Authentication by Apostille Instead of Red Ribbon

Annabelle Lim and Joseph Doratan are the two (2) notary public who can perform notarial service and also get you the Apostille.  Foreign countries that are part of the Hague Conference or Apostille Convention do not require embassy or consular legalization.  Authentication by apostille instead of red ribbons from Phil. consulate, for example.  Apostilla is how apostille is called in Mexico. Therefore, this can save you a trip going to the consulate. You can avoid securing the online appointment to the consulate, the heavy traffic condition, long waiting line, crowded space, parking fee and use your time for something else. One meeting with the West Covina notary public is all that is needed for both notarization and authentication by Apostille. If you are looking for Filipino notary public or Chinese notary public, look for either one of them. Conversation in your native language is always preferred by most people who need notarization and/or apostille service.

Members of the Hague Conference that accept Apostille authentication are here in this link:

For countries not part of the Apostille Convention, sometimes their embassy or consular office may also require an Apostille Certificate before the documents can be consularized. Rarely but possible, a 3rd step securing an Apostille from the U.S. Department of State can also be needed. We can also help you with this.

If you already have a notarized document in the US and only need Apostille service, we may also help you secure the Apostille only. Even if you reside in a state outside of California, you can inquire how we can get an Apostille for you.

    The West Covina Notary can offer you two (2) options: standard pick-up at a cheaper fee, or mailed to your house or your designated final destination outside of the US for your convenience. So you don't have to pick up the authenticated document.

Below are a few Apostille samples from the different states: California Apostille sample, Florida Apostille sample, Hawaii Apostille sample, Nevada Apostille sample, New Jersey Apostille sample, New Mexico Apostille sample, New York Apostille sample, North Carolina Apostille sample, Oregon Apostille sample, Tennessee Apostille sample, Texas Apostille sample...

What is an Authenticated Document?

Anytime official documents are to be used in foreign countries, they are required to be authenticated in the US first before sending them or taking them to other countries.  Some types of documents that require authentication are, but not limited to: powers of attorney, extra-judicial settlement of estates, waiver of rights, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, property deeds, incorporation papers, corporate legal documents, contracts, adoption papers, affidavits, school transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and bank documents. 

Ways of Authentication:

Countries that are not part of the Hague Conference may require the embassy legalization or consular legalization.  In some instances, there are countries that require further authentication for international acceptance of notarized documents over and above the Apostille.

For countries part of the Hague Conference or Apostille Convention, an Apostille is all that is needed. Meaning, documents issued in a Convention country which have been certified by an Apostille are entitled to recognition in any other Convention country without any further authentication. For example, a Philippine document with Apostille will be recognized in the Philippines.  An Apostille issued as the authentication by the Secretary of State, instead of a Red Ribbon, may now be used directly in the Philippines

The countries and territories that we can get you an Apostille for are the following. The list is last revised on July 2019.

Albania Greece Oman
Andorra Grenada Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Guatemala Paraguay
Argentina Honduras Peru
Armenia Hong Kong Philippines
Australia Hungary Poland
Austria Iceland Portugal
Azerbaijan India Romania
Bahamas Ireland Russia
Bahrain Israel Saint Kitts and Nevis
Barbados Italy Saint Lucia
Belarus Japan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belgium Kosovo Samoa
Belize Kazakhstan San Marino
Bolivia Kyrgyzstan Sao Tome and Principe
Bosnia and Herzegovina Latvia Serbia
Botswana Lesotho Seychelles
Brazil Liberia Slovakia
Brunei Liechtenstein Slovenia
Bulgaria Lithuania South Africa
Burundi Luxembourg South Korea
Cape Verde Macau Spain
Chile Macedonia Suriname
Colombia Malawi Swaziland
Cook Islands Malta Sweden
Costa Rica Marshall Islands Switzerland
Croatia Mauritius Tajikistan
Cyprus Mexico Tonga
Czech Republic Moldova Trinidad and Tobago
Denmark Monaco Tunisia
Dominica Mongolia Turkey
Dominican Republic Montenegro Ukraine
Ecuador Morocco United Kingdom
El Salvador Namibia United States
Estonia Netherlands Uruguay
Fiji New Zealand Uzbekistan
Finland Nicaragua Vanuatu
France Niue Venezuela
Georgia Norway

What is an Apostille?

.Apostille is a French word which means specialized certification that authenticates the signature of a public official on a document for use in another country. An Apostille certifies:

1 . the authenticity of the signature of the public official who signed the document,

2. the capacity in which that public official acted, and

3. when appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the document bears, e.g. a notary public seal.

The Apostille does not validate the contents of the document.